Then you arrive at your destination: you are in the Womb of the Second Round of Creation. You are back in this symbolic place where it all began.
You sit down and take on the royal posture. Here you are, in total silence, in total darkness. This is just you, in the void….
Love is Blind
They say love is blind. And that might be a good metaphor for enlightened beings applying lucid perception. For if you are so in love with yourself, so satiated that you don’t want or need anything, then you are blind to the sentiments of the ousia….
True Compassion
I would say, we reached another milestone today. Last week, Borderland and today, true compassion.
Sometimes it takes time for the wisdom to mature, to ripen, and to be embraced. True compassion is maybe …
Bath Foam? Bath Foam!
So, their search starts, they might go through all kinds of spiritual traditions, religions, workshops, and retreats….
The Initiation
If you’re ready for this, then please, open up. It’s deep in the night, and there’s only the light from the stars and the moon….
The Dragons are Coming Back
There were times on Earth when humans were more aware of us….
Space and Consciousness
But the most important feature that space and consciousness have in common is that nothing in space can go beyond space, just as no thought can go beyond consciousness!…
Walls Come Tumbling Down
Every time you direct your awareness towards the pure consciousness that you are, its light will illuminate the illusory world that you project yourself in.
Every time you see things as they truly are, some walls of separation will tumble.
Every time you let go of the belief in the reality of separation…
The Happy Dream
Radiate true compassion – it’s so simple, for nothing really happened!
What could be more beautiful than letting go of all of these old stories? Instead of being imprisoned by a dream-past, choose the blindness of love. Choose the unconditional love that is always there and asks for nothing. A love that clears all distortions from perception. Then you realize once again that none of your stories…
Where do you go from here?
If an entity scratches the surface of itself, it will find emptiness, and that is scary. That is why there is this big, big fear of being wiped out. And actually, this is why you are here as humans. Oh, the human often thinks,…
Bringing in the Christ Consciousness
Of course, Christ consciousness plays a major role when it comes to ascension, but what exactly is meant by the term and how does it relate to the human experience? Althar made that quite palpable…
The Greatest Adventure
It has only been a few weeks since I released “The Lucid Dreamer.” As always after finishing a book, I take a break to recover from the intense weeks preceding its publication. During these pauses, I have often asked myself if it is possible to go any further with the material. The reason was typically that I could hardly imagine what “further” would mean. For instance, I had…
The Multi User Game Called “Life in Separation”
Humans love conspiracies. Conspiracies smell of power, large scale scheming, and ruthlessness….
The Tree of Life
I am Althar, the Crystal Dragon.
Let me speak to you of the Tree of Life. …
A Simpleton
I am not used to talk. Talking was never mine. Even back then, in my last incarnation, I did not talk. For the words of the humans never became friends of mine….