The Womb of Creation

“Then you arrive at your destination: you are in the Womb of the Second Round of Creation. You are back in this symbolic place where it all began.
You sit down and take on the royal posture. Here you are, in total silence, in total darkness. This is just you, in the void.
There’s nothing here – just an empty room. A room of darkness within darkness. When you come here, you’re stripped of everything you could identify with. All of your reality anchors lose their meaning. As long as you were moving your body to this place, you were busy; you had a goal. But now there’s nothing left. It’s just you, the void, and the belief in separation.”

From “Althar Intense Online – Borderland”

One Reply to “The Womb of Creation”

  1. Bit of torture I imagine, to return to separation state, after such cultivation of awareness……snatched moments that
    build incrementally until……there is true reality……with perceptions that do not solidify the idea of separation.

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