
Audio Recordings
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"Althar Intense – Space, Time, Veiling"
  • Language: English
  • 7 Audio-Files (377 MB)
  • total play time: 6 hours 54 minutes
  • Transcript in PDF format
  • Details…

89 €
89 $

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"Althar Intensiv – Raum, Zeit, Verschleierung"
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • 8 Audio-Dateien (412 MB)
  • Spielzeit 9 Std. 12 Min.
  • Transcript in PDF Format
  • Details…

89 €

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"Althar Intense – The Unconscious"
  • Language: English
  • 7 Audio-Files (392MB)
  • total play time: 7 hours 10 minutes
  • Transcript in PDF format
  • Details…

89 €
89 $

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"Althar Intensiv – Das Unbewusste"
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • 8 Audio-Dateien (349 MB)
  • Transcript in PDF Format
  • Spielzeit 6 Std. 31 Min.
  • Details…

89 €

Zum Bestellen hier klicken!

"Althar Intense – Living the Paradox"
  • Language: English
  • 10 Audio-Files (486MB)
  • total play time: 13 hours 31 minutes
  • Transcript in PDF format
  • Details…

129 €
129 $

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"Althar Intense – Borderland"
  • Language: English
  • 10 Audio-Files (545MB)
  • total play time: 14 hours 5 minutes
  • Transcript in PDF format
  • Details…

129 €
129 $

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iPad, iPhone, iPod


"WizzJ" for iPad, iPhone
iOS 14 or higher

FREE with In-App purchases

"Living Colors" for iPad, iPhone
iOS 14 or higher

US$ 1.99

"Light Creations" for iPad, iPhone
iOS 14 or higher

US$ 1.99

"Art of Zen" for iPad, iPhone
iOS 14 or higher
NeuroSky’s MindWave-Mobile or MindWave-Moblie-Plus

US$ 7.99

"The Beauty Within " for iPad, iPhone

iOS 14 or higher
iPhone 5 or higher
iPad Air or higher
IPad mini Retina or higher

NeuroSky’s MindWave-Mobile or MindWave-Moblie-Plus

US$ 7.99

"Fluid Light " for iPad, iPhone
iOS 14 or higher

US$ 1.99


Purchase of a license for a Windows operating system allows to activate the program on two machines, e.g., PC and Laptop.

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“WizzJ” for Windows

Windows 10 or higher

US$ 10

Click here to order!

“Light Creations” for Windows

Windows 10 or higher

US$ 10

Click here to order!

“Art of Zen” for Windows

Windows 10 or higher
NeuroSky’s MindWave, MindWave-Mobile or MindWave-Mobile-Plus

US$ 10

Click here to order!

“The Beauty Within ” for Windows

Windows 10 or higher
NeuroSky’s MindWave, MindWave-Mobile or MindWave-Mobile-Plus

US$ 10

Click here to order!

Biofeedback device for “Art of Zen” and “The Beauty Within”
NeuroSky MindWave
NeuroSky MindWave Mobile
NeuroSky MindWave Mobile-Plus
More infos
The Althar Material