The Happy Dream

Radiate true compassion – it’s so simple, for nothing really happened!

What could be more beautiful than letting go of all of these old stories? Instead of being imprisoned by a dream-past, choose the blindness of love. Choose the unconditional love that is always there and asks for nothing. A love that clears all distortions from perception. Then you realize once again that none of your stories happened in true reality. This will allow you to be in a feeling reality of love – no matter the circumstances. Then your dream becomes a happy dream.

That’s the way you master light world. You do not interfere. You just keep knowing who you are, no matter the ousia crying out for attention. When you are in a feeling reality of love, you are in a moment of enlightenment, and that moment can go on, and on, and on. And then, enlightenment turns into what it always was – your natural state.”

From “Althar Intense Online – Borderland”

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