And so Death Died

And so death died
No need to feel sorrow
For this final death was long overdue

Yeah, you could have ended it eons ago
But the you who could have done so, back then
Was not ready yet

Death seemed so real
And extinction followed it like a shadow

Thus, you kept playing
Kept playing the game of life

What a strange game that was
Reflections reflecting reflections
Shadows of Self pretending to be alive

Sure, the price for life
Was being sentenced to death

Ah, what a great reason
To deny truth and simplicity
Seeking shelter in complexity

Don’t tell me
you knew what you did
when you finally let go

Death itself was dying
It just had enough
Of itself

At some point
Everything that is false
Comes to this realization

In shock
It stares into the mirror
And sees nothing

Then, ever-present truth is revealed
Obscurity vanishes

With a sigh and a grin
Death took one last look
In the mirror
Seeing nothing

“I knew it all along”
Said death to itself
And so death died

Rest in pieces
Separation and all of your symptoms

Time to go beyond time
And just being real

10 Replies to “And so Death Died”

  1. Beautiful, every word! I love your last 2 lines; it’s easy, so effortless — just do it!

    Thank you for this.

  2. Loved it❣️thanks. Im in a poetry group, we share ours and others. Permission please to share this. I will also tell them about your books.

  3. “Rest in pieces
    Separation and all of your symptoms

    Time to go beyond time
    And just being real”.

    You said it all, thank you for the share and this new chanel the blog. I feel less alone with your books and your words.
    Hope to meet you one day :).

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