True Living

When does a human’s heart start to beat?
No human knows.
They just wonder, and wonder.

What lives in a body while its heart beats?
No human knows.
They just wonder, and wonder.

What leaves a body when it dies?
No human knows.
They just wonder, and wonder.

So is it any wonder
that a human’s journey –
propelled forward by its pounding heart –
is like tumbling in ignorance?

Colored with beliefs,
ornamented with bogus truths,
spiced with calendar sayings.

Yet, none of these
can truly appease
the wondering human.

As you know.
As you know.

But then,
I ask you:

Are you ready to live
as if you have already died?

Oh, I can feel you.
Yes, I do.

And I admit,
what I’m talking about
is not for the faint of heart.

Thus, you just continue.
You cling to a burning house.
You hold on to pointless beliefs.
You ride a heart destined to die.

Then, is it any wonder,
that true contentment escapes you?

Is it any wonder,
that the song of home
remains a promise unfulfilled?

Dear friend,
don’t get me wrong.

I don’t say it’s easy.
I don’t say you have to do anything.
I don’t say you are wrong.

I just say,
it is you
who makes your heart beat.

I just say,
it is you
who encapsulates himself in a body.

I just say,
it is you
who let’s go of the body
in the moment of so-called death.

All I want to say is this:
It is you
who is dreaming your life.

It is you
who exists beyond any dream.

have never left home.

Thus, isn’t it time to stop
playing hide and seek
with yourself?

Wouldn’t you agree
that after all this time
it is time to truly live?

Isn’t it time to live
as if you have already died!

Don’t wait.
Don’t hesitate.

It happens now.
Only now.

If you are ready for this,
I await you in the surreal!

dear friend.

From “Althar Surreal – Invisible Notes”

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