From the very beginning, the true selves fought against their fear of being annihilated. First, they coped with their fear by creating more and more ousia and distracting themselves. But then, ah, but then they began to project their fear onto others! Isn’t that great?…
The Fear of the Void
The more you cultivate your awareness, the more you will develop the ability not to be disturbed by anything. And inevitably, sooner or later, you will encounter what I call the ‘void.’ …
Going Beyond the Archetypes
If you want to loosen the hold that archetypes and blueprints have on your life, then it’s up to you to be very aware of what’s really pushing you forward!
Are you merely following an old storyline? …
And then You Became a Point
Now, imagine you are a true self in the midst of pure consciousness. You are sovereign, and at the same time, you are joined in suchness with pure consciousness. In a way, you are in heaven. Everything is just perfect….
The Taboo of God
Therefore, at some point, you closed the door behind the God of the religions. You banished this God from your life, never to look at him again. In a way, this kind of God became a taboo for you….
The Ego’s craving for Complexity
Although his metaphorical depiction shows the basic mechanism of the development of the ego, the reality is much more complex. This is because the true self is by no means limited to just one point of perception. …
The Divine Spark
In the dream of separation, perception creates the experienced reality. Perception gives rise to a subject that develops into an ego, which creates standards and rules for itself and others. From then on, the ego distinguishes everything it perceives as good or bad, right or wrong. This constant judging develops into…
A Mountain of Shimmering Nothingness
Now, I want you to go really big, really big! Imagine a gigantic mountain of bath foam! A gigantic mountain of bubbles, right in front of you. Not in your bathtub anymore, but hovering in empty space, before your mind’s eye….
The ever-popular Original Sin
In fact, each emanation of a true self can give rise to further emanations, creating a kind of branching family tree. And each emanation has an idea of itself based on illusions, which it must confirm through ever new perceptions….
I’m so excited
“For these humans, all non-physical perceptions belong to the realm of imagination or fantasy, which somehow takes place ‘in their own consciousness,’ but certainly not outside their own body.It does not even occur to these humans that it is the other way around! But in fact, there is first and foremost the inherent ability of …
How Are Your Chakras Today?
“Initially, a memory of the moment of enlightenment is still associated with awe and a certain euphoria, and Ego is smart enough not to immediately babble at you. But over time, the memory fades. Time does that – to everything.Then, when the time is right, Ego comes forward with a laugh, pats you on the …
About the Human
“It is fair to say that the human body is the most complex phenomenon in physical reality. Even the functioning of a single cell is completely beyond linear understanding. But 100 trillion cells in a network that form an organism that goes far beyond its corporeal components? This almost inevitably raises the question of how …
The Principle of Distraction
“Distraction, in whatever form, helps to suppress or at least alleviate the fear of extinction for a while. Every goal, every unfulfilled desire, every ambition is suitable as a distraction from the fear of extinction, which is the price of identification. Distraction is the stimulant for the ego par excellence. It makes the dream of …
Space? There is no space!
“Let’s not misunderstand each other: It’s not about rearranging the objects of your physical environment at will in consciousness-space or varying their size.Rather, it is about becoming completely aware that the entire so-called outside world, as well as your inner world, takes place in consciousness-space!Your perception does not show you a real existing physical or …
You Cannot Die
“You can spin it any way you want. If you think separation is real and identify yourself with any kind of construct of separation, you will die.It doesn’t matter whether this construct is physical, ethereal, or metaphysical. It doesn’t matter whether you call it human, soul, oversoul, or true self – as soon as you …