“Now, imagine you are a true self in the midst of pure consciousness. You are sovereign, and at the same time, you are joined in suchness with pure consciousness. In a way, you are in heaven. Everything is just perfect. But suddenly a thought occurs to you:
How would it feel if I was separate from pure consciousness, from God-consciousness?
What would have to happen for this thought to become as real to you as possible?
Somehow you would have to retract from pure consciousness.
And how do you do that?
Well, metaphorically speaking, you contract yourself.
Imagine that! You are getting smaller and smaller. You try to get outside of pure consciousness. So, you contract yourself further and further. You contract yourself until you reach the ultimate contraction:
You become a point!
A point which is, as we’ve noted before, perfectly separate from everything else!
A point that does not really exist, but that seems to exist.
This is separation in its embryonic state.
Just like a point, it does not really exist. Yet, for you, it seems to exist.”